
This is a brief bio here. I went to Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, Bengaluru, India. Completed my Graduation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Where I developed interest in Robotics by attending various workshops, tutoring friends, forming network and participating in vararious inter&intra college robotics related competitions.

Currently, I'm working in the field of Data Science with research interests in the field of AI. Passionate about helping businesses get powered up with Data Science applications. Had experimented with various technologies such as wearable watches, swarm robot applications, data analytics, time series (uni & multi variate), Demand Forecasting, Sickness Detection from audios using TensorFlow and Deep Learning Modules (Concerned with COVID19), Fraud Analytics, etc.


Electronics: Micro-Controllers, Building arduino prototypes, Sensors.
Computer Programming: C, Android (Block Programming), Open-CV, R, Python, Julia (for Scientific Machine Learning)
Machine Learning : Statistics, Data Mining(Cluster Analysis), Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics: Linear Models, Tree Models, Ensemble Models, Artifitial Neural Networks, Time Series (Uni & Multi Variate Analysis).
Deep Learning : Convolution Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Long Short Term Models
Python Libraries : Numpy, Pandas, SciKit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, TensorFlow(Keras API)

Big Data, Text Mining, Recommendation Systems, Internet of Things, Genetic Algorithm, Linear Programming and Optimization, Market Basket Analysis.


Scientific Machine Learning & AI Research, Robotics, AI Simulations, Genetic Programing, IoT.

Some Interesting Projects

Project on COVID19 Cough detection from Audio Samples:

Audio to Numeric Data Convertion for Traing Neural Networks:

Trained model performance on unseen/test data:

1. Trained on very few samples for demonstration purpose only
2. The sample data represents sneeze and cough audio data along with regular sounds to learn the variations.
3. Training on actual COVID Cough, Breathing Sounds can yield real-time feedback to monitor patients' healh conditions from the Cough type classification AI Models.

Visit or Fork the project from my GitHub.

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